D&A Synergy is a massive topic to talk about, so we’ll try to keep it basic – yet to mention the important stuff

First of all, what is Art?

Try to ask yourself this while you think of the song “what is love” from the “marry” 90’s. (https://youtu.be/HEXWRTEbj1I) – They both rhyme.
Like in our previous post about storytelling, Art has been here with us since ancient ages. It had and still have different meanings and definitions – it depends on the person/institution you ask.

But the basic fact is this: Art is a manually manufactured visual thing (I’m talking of course only about visual art in this article). It’s here to serve a purpose – whether it’s an expression of talent, passion or even to deliver a message. – The earlier you’ll go in time, the more “functional” art will appear. Crafted to be an object for use it was made by people who had an aim and plans for it.

For example ancient statues of gods: They were made to be worshiped or to set an ideal. But for us today they are rare and priceless artifacts.

GuaTewet tree of life

On the other hand, Design is:

An interesting and sometimes hard subject to explain, especially if you’re trying to explain your grandmother what is it that you do for living. Well, first of all, Design is a process. A process in which you manufacture something new, or changing it’s current status. When somebody is designing, he is seeking to find a solution for a problem; He has a goal to reach.
There are various of ways to design (as well as to create art). You Design a car to make it faster, safer and more appealing. You redesign a logo cause it needs to be adapted to the current fashion and trends. You Design, because you need to.

hands design artwork

So, how can Design and Art coexist?

To me this is not even a tricky question. On the contrary – how couldn’t they not to? They are both creative processes, both are here to express an idea/purpose to the visual medium.
For a long time now, to be more exact, at least about 120 years, humans are more self aware about their environment and history than ever before.
Art and Design are constantly being mixes and remixed – all in purpose of transferring an idea. – And that’s the beauty of it. Sometimes you take a bit of this, and a bit of that in order to create something new – or just better. If you wise enough to know what “buttons to push”, you are able to deliver the message. And most of the times, this is what it’s all about.

In conclusion:
Design is art – and Art is design 🙂